enterprise architecture With TOGAF® Standard

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Duration   2.5 days Version 9.2

Brief Description

A practice-oriented, comprehensive course covering the syllabus for TOGAF® 9 Level 1 (Foundation) certification. The course is not accredited by The Open Group but is derived from our accredited full certification course. Delegates may independently elect to take the TOGAF Part 1 Examination to become Foundation Certified. Coverage of Enterprise Architecture using the TOGAF standard and Architecture Development Method.

What Differentiates this Course?

Case Study 

The comprehensive case study is based on real world EA projects and provides delegates with a much richer appreciation for the scope and subtlety of issues in real EA projects than typical class exercises.

Hands On

Delegates will do individual and team assignments to apply knowledge and experience techniques first hand. This enhances learning and provides delegates with more confidence and a faster start when returning to their organisations.

Additional Coverage

The TOGAF standard is valuable and extensive, but not perfect! Our extensive expertise allows us to supplement the TOGAF approach in key areas to make it even more effective and valuable.

High Quality Delegate Materials 

Includes printed colour manual, electronic reference, pocket guide, self study guide for level 1, slides and additional references.

Intended Audience

This course is intended for those who need an appreciation of Enterprise Architecture and an overview of the TOGAF standard, but who do not require full certification at level 2, which is intended for working/professional architects. It can be used to begin the journey to taking up an architect role. It would also benefit CIOs, application portfolio managers, I.T. strategists, senior business analysts, programme managers, project managers, senior developers and those responsible for change programmes. 

Course Overview

This course covers the body of knowledge required for TOGAF 9 certification at Level 1 (Foundation).
Delegates who choose to take and pass the independent examination, will be registered by The Open Group as TOGAF Foundation qualified. Additional material over and above TOGAF documentation is provided in order to put EA and modern architectures such as Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) into perspective. An in-depth case study based on real world situations shows application of techniques through a typical architecture implementation life-cycle. The 6+ practical assignments completed during the two and a half days of training, learning from other delegates and the experience and expertise of the lecturer(s) combine to create a sound, practical, effective and compelling learning experience.

Typical Coverage

The course coverage is aligned with the requirements for course accreditation and delegate certification laid down by The Open Group. It includes:

  • Concepts of and need for Enterprise Architectures

  • Principles of EA and available frameworks

  • Architecture vision, principles and goals

  • Architecture Components and Framework coverage

  • Architectures in the organisation, including Architecture Governance

  • Business Architecture and Requirements

  • TOGAF® Architecture Development Method

    • Architecture Phases (All covered by the ADM 'crop circle')

    • Architecture Activities

    • Architecture Deliverables and Viewpoints

  • Examples of Business, Process, Information, Applications and Technology Architectures

  • Architecture Building Blocks

  • The Enterprise Continuum and the role of a repository

  • TOGAF® Reference Models including:

    • The Integrated Information Infrastructure Reference Model (IIIRM)

    • The Technical Reference Model (TRM)

  • TOGAF® Architecture Content Framework

  • Architecture Skill Requirements

  • TOGAF® coverage of Risk and Security

  • Architecture Compliance and Maturity

  • Meta Models and Tooling to practically achieve architecture benefits


Delegates completing the course are eligible to take The Open Group online examination to certify at Level 1 (Foundation). These exams are available in all major centres at Pearson VUE examination facilities. Bookings can be made online.

Provided Materials

Delegates receive high quality printed notes, including presentation slides, case study materials and assignments. Selected sample solutions are also provided. A reference website is provided with electronic copies of TOGAF Reference material and self study guide for level 1 certification examinations. The guide is approved by The Open Group. A web resource is provided with links, references and further reading material. 

Location, Costs and Dates

Courses are offered in Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom), South Africa (Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban), and Malaysia. The course can be conducted onsite in other locations on request. 
Please consult the latest schedule for dates and pricing in local currency.

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